YANG Wei-qing1, LUO Qiu-ju1,2 |
1. School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China; 2. Center for Tourism Planning and Research, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China |
Abstract Geographical imagination is a psychological process of information processing or reforming of places and their local knowledge to shape new images. This study applies geographical imagination to social media research, taking overseas audiences of an internet celebrity Li Ziqi's short videos on YouTube as the research subject, through content analysis of public comments and semi-structured interviews, to explore how the local knowledge produced by We Media is dynamically deconstructed, represented and reconstructed by the audiences' geographical imagination. The study found that:1) the construction of geographical imagination in short video communities is composed of individual and collective imagination, which forms similar viewpoints through interactive discussion, giving meaning and co-creating value to the short videos, thereby affects audiences' behavioral intentions. 2) Li Ziqi's short videos awaken audiences' positive emotions, and their geographical imagination is activated by high-quality audiovisual sensory experiences, which includes the imagination on material elements in short videos at the microscopic level and the imagination on China at the macroscopic level. This study broadens the research perspective of geographical imagination, and provides reference for the shaping of China's international cultural tourism images and projects.
Received: 22 July 2022
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